
So, one year on, over 126,000 deaths in the UK from the virus, nearly five and a half thousand in Wales alone, and a multitude of other lives lost in so many other ways too. So many people gone that we didn't get to see one last time, nor were we able to say goodbye to them and give them the send offs they deserve. 

Last night we took a walk to see our local monuments and landmarks lit up in yellow in remembrance of everyone who has died this last year. The photographs aren't the best, they're only taken with our phones, but still beautiful to see them illuminated.


The photographs don't do them justice, they were a lot more yellow than these suggest, but as I said, they're only taken with mid range smartphones and not top of the range cameras!

I made Mr G walk with me down the prom, in the dark, because I hoped to get a good shot of Britannia Bridge. You're brave, he told me. It was pitch black down there, thankfully he'd had the foresight to put a torch in his pocket. But the photographs of that bridge weren't great, unfortunately. This is probably the clearest of them all. 

We also took a drive to Bangor to see the University and Pontio lit up. I clean forgot about Bangor Pier, my Mum told me when we were home that the cafe at the end had remained open to serve hot drinks. 

Tea was the ever faithful pasta bake with salad and garlic bread...

Managed to knock a few kilometres off our Strava challenge, I currently need about 17k to hit my 100k target before the end of March. 

I have a picnic packed and ready, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, our cameras are charged and the flask of coffee is made ready for our walk. Just nip for a quick shower, and pull on my Skechers for comfort and we will be on our way. Possibly the last walk for a few days, depending on how my vaccination goes tomorrow afternoon, so we will make it a good one :-)
