Comedy Gold

Tonight's comedy gold came courtesy of the youngest cutting Mr G's hair. As usual, the banter between these two, I just sit giggling to myself while I listen to them. 

Son: You know what, Dad, I think you're going to rock this haircut. Can you move around a bit on the chair?

*Silence for a few seconds...*


Mr G: What do you think I am, an owl?

Son: I'm going to leave a bit of a fringe at the front, I think you'll like it. I just need to make it even or you'll look stupid. There. Mum, can you come and have a look at this?

I got up and went to look, and ended up doubled up, crying with laughter.

Son: Don't you like it?

Me: It looks like someone has put a toupee on top of his head. 

Son: All off?

Me: All off.

Tea was lovely, the dish worked perfectly with half fat creme fraiche. The only thing that I forgot was fresh basil, but I sprinkled a little dried basil in, better than nothing.

We had a nice relaxing walk today, just around the prom and up through the village. I've been on the treadmill twice, I even ran in parts. I think I've been swapped or something, because I don't run. And at 4 pm, Mr G wasn't happy that he had only pulled in 8500 steps and asked if I fancied a walk up to Four Crosses and back so that he could hit 10,000. So we did that, it was only twenty minutes and added a few more steps to my tally. 

So, almost ready for bed and my step count for the day...

And I'm happy to see that I've done nearly as many steps so far this week as I did by Sunday evening last week. Tomorrow really should up the ante there, a good three to four hours solid walking around Bangor. It's promising nice but cold, which will do me. 

Had a nice surprise tonight, one of my friends who is a TA at the school my boys attend tagged me in a Facebook post. My son was one of the pupils who got a mention as giving excellent contributions in his GCSE PE lessons this term. He doesn't get that from me, anyway, that must be Mr G's genes kicking in. I think I only took part in two PE lessons the whole time I was in school. He will be glad to get back to school, though, I think these kids have behaved impeccably, considering the huge chunk of their lives that they've had to sacrifice. A year might fly for us adults, but it's a heck of a long time for these teenagers to miss out on. 

One of our friends messaged us earlier to say that there was going to be a guard of honour for Kathy's funeral outside the crematorium in Wrexham, both sides of the road, socially distanced and masked, and that we were to wear Cru shirts. Literally only while the funeral procession passed through and then we were to leave immediately. He said that he knew that we couldn't be expected to travel, but it was just for our information only. The issue, or issues rather, the funeral is at 3 on Thursday and Mr G has his Covid jab on Thursday. How he will react to it is anyone's guess, it floored my mother for a couple of days. As I pointed out to him, the last thing he wants is to take ill while he is miles away from home and have to drive. The other problem is, while we could feasibly travel for a funeral, can we travel for a funeral that we aren't actually attending? The message is still stay at home, it will still be stay at home on the 11th, and even on the 12th, if things change, it's likely to be stay local. And Wrexham is by no means local. So, as much as I would have loved to have paid my last respects, albeit at a distance, it looks like I will have to stay at home and remember my lovely friend in my own home. I will be there in spirit, anyway. 
