March Madness

Without the madness, I guess. Two beautiful sunny days, and some good news. Firstly, Mr G has his first vaccination next week. I am so relieved, I can't even tell you. And our car passed its MOT yesterday, which is just as well really, seeing as it's done little else but a weekly shopping trip and Mr G's journeys to work and back. 

We had a lovely afternoon and Sunday lunch with our friend, roast pork and all the trimmings followed by apple pie and custard (yes, I know...).  The scales weren't too kind to us this week, I maintained and Mr G put on 2.5 lb. It was my mother's birthday yesterday, and we had cake. Just a small slice. 

My weekly step count wasn't as high as last week's, but still averaged over 11,000 steps a day, so I'm quite happy with that. Especially given that I can still barely move my knee.

Managed a nice walk this afternoon, our usual longer route, which I then pushed a little further by walking half way up Cichle Hill. Mr G has only ever done it in a car, and I haven't walked up it since I used to walk to Youth Club back in 1991/92. It's promising rain tomorrow, so we will do our weekly food shop early, get some housework done and then outdoor walking will resume on Thursday. It's promising a nice week but colder than it has been. We hope to take a walk to Treborth at some point, pack a healthy lunch to eat on the hop. And it's a Pokemon Community Day on Saturday (don't judge me) so I will be traipsing the streets of Bangor for a couple of hours. It gets the steps in, anyway! There's no retail to tempt me, so as long as I keep away from Greggs, I'll be ok. 

Meal plan for the week ahead (still a work in progress):

Monday: Bacon chop, egg, new potatoes, baked beans and mushrooms

Tuesday: Bolognese Pasta Bake, salad, cheesy garlic bread

Wednesday: Blackened Pork Steak, salad, rice

Thursday: Something with prawns 

Friday: Chinese Beef Curry with egg fried rice

Saturday: Chicken Tikka Masala, rice, pitta bread

Sunday: Probably a salad

Tonight's tea was pasta bake, Mr G said that he could eat it every night for tea. It was really good, I must admit. Plenty of leftovers for lunch tomorrow too. 
