Beautiful day

We had a glorious walk today, much longer than we had anticipated, too. We followed the path in Treborth under the bridge and then carried on into Glan Faenol. 

We took a packed lunch with us, filled rolls and fruit and a flask of coffee. The weather was lovely, it was so warm, and for once I was dressed appropriately. No thick winter coat, no hat. 

The woodland in Glan Faenol was breathtaking as you walked in, all these tall, poker straight trees. The path was a little tricky to navigate in parts...

The views of the island opposite were stunning. Mr G managed to get a better picture of the spot where he proposed to me (and dropped the engagement ring down the rocks).

We pushed and pushed just a little bit further until we came to a little hide. We sat and had five minutes in here before we made our way back.

As we were nearly out of Glan Faenol, Mr G noticed a robin. It was so tame and he was able to get really close to it to take some lovely pictures.

We walked back through the botanical gardens, there were quite a few people milling about by this time.

After a good few hours of walking we decided to make tracks home. I was gagging for a coffee, and the boy was due home from school as well. 

The walk came in at an impressive 11.81 km, which is a lot more than we had planned on doing today!

The good thing is that I now only need 4.9 km to complete this challenge :-) Quite impressed with myself. For someone who barely left the house, it's not too bad.

Tea was the excellent Chicken Shawarma, and tomorrow morning I will pull a curry out of the freezer for our tea, just in case I feel a little bit rough after the jab. 

Let's hope tomorrow goes well, keep your fingers crossed for me that I manage to navigate a two minute injection without making a complete twelve part drama series out of it. And preferably without keeling over. 
