
Well, this is a distinct change in weather. Rainy, cold. I'm not usually a huge fan of the sun, or summer. I love autumn and winter, but I have to admit, the nice weather has made lockdown a bit more bearable?

I got another good day under my belt yesterday, so that's two from two! We did our food shop yesterday, mainly fresh fruit, veg, milk and bakery stuff. I decided to stick with a 'heavy' bread free lunch and I made some homemade falafel and caramelised onion hummous.

This definitely worked for me again, because it was pushing six o'clock when I was making tea - and I could have done with having it later. I wasn't starving, which I usually am by that time.

We had Tom Kerridge's Coconut Chicken curry with rice for tea, and Mr G made his bhajis to go with it. I could only manage one, where I usually have two.

And that afternoon I decided to make some baked oats, to use up some yogurts that needed to be used by today. I made myself a Lemon Curd Baked Oats, using an orange fat-free yogurt, and Mr G fancied Crunchie Spread Baked Oats, using a vanilla fat-free yogurt. So, we had those in the evening and it finished me off.

I also made two huge peanut butter jelly ones for six syns each! I froze those for another day, because as nice as they are, I don't want to have overkill on them and get sick of eating them. On a day that I know will be breadless, and maybe with a lighter tea, fish, or salad or something, I will take them out of the freezer and we can have them for dessert.

I even reached the end of the day with five syns left. And I couldn't face eating anything else. Unheard of. So, I think this is the way to go. A decent bread free lunch, a filling tea, and then leaving my 'bread' allowance until later in the evening for a toastie, baked oats, or a roll.

I also took another long treadmill walk, not as long as the previous day, I only managed 6 kilometres yesterday.

I don't know if I will walk today, to be perfectly honest, I'm feeling a little under the weather. I woke up early after another rubbish night's sleep. Came downstairs, took my antihistamine and some ibuprofen for the muscle aches, had a coffee and fell asleep in my chair until 10.15. When I woke up, I had a really sore throat, and a bit of a cough. I don't feel right, I don't think it's this bloody virus, what I actually think is that I ditched the outerwear a bit too soon and I may have caught a chill or something. When we went shopping yesterday I was just in a blouse (well, and pants, I wasn't naked or anything). It was bloody freezing and rainy. As the old 'uns say... 'Cast ne'er a clout, til May be out'. That's shown me, hasn't it? Lulled into a false sense of security with all the sunshine we've had since March...

So today... we had fat free Greek yogurt, berries and Sweet Freedom Vanilla syrup for breakfast. Mr G has requested toasted ham and cheese sandwiches for his lunch, and I am going to make a tuna pasta salad for myself. I'm the only one in the house who likes tuna, and there's like seven tins in the cupboard. I will mix a little light mayo with some fat free Greek to make the dressing, add diced red onion, and cucumber, and I have a little posh pasta left, some big twirls (there is a proper name for them but it escapes me right now) and I'll mix half of the tuna mix into that with some salad, and I'll reserve a little for later.

Then we are having Crying Tiger Beef from Pinch of Nom's second cookbook, with jersey royal potatoes and salad. Then, if need be a little later, I will have a tuna mayo salad roll for my supper, which will hopefully stave off the binge eating before bed. 

I'll also try and have a walk on the treadmill, as much as I don't feel like it today. Even if it's just one or two kilometres to knock off the tally. 

Total walked so far: 13/200 km. Long way to go yet...
