Saturday Steak Night

Had a nice relaxing day today. Started off with a cold shower (stupidly I was cold when I woke up, then put the heating on while I had a coffee, and then I was roasting), then I did a lovely guided meditation for Lionsgate which left me feeling really chilled. 

I did my second personal tarot reading this afternoon, and I think it was on the money, I hope so anyway. I am totally in awe sometimes at the accuracy of the messages that come out. I am starting to get a feel for certain decks. Some feel better than others when I use them, for sure. I still think the Tarot de la Nuit is the most visually stunning but today I had some really good messages from the Light Seers Tarot. 

We had rump steak, new potatoes, fried onions and mushrooms and mushy peas for tea tonight. Very nice steak it was too. 

And that's about the height of it for today. Not like me but I'm struggling for words today. I had fruit for breakfast, boiled eggs for a snack and chocolate for lunch (for God's sake...will someone just stop me?). Until tomorrow...
