
I got all the feels today. Can't tell you why, because there's nothing wrong, just feel a little sad inside. Had a quiet day, the children were all in bed, taking the words lie in to new levels, Mr G was in bed after his shift so I capitalised on the peace and quiet and listened to music on my headphones. Maybe it's this which triggered the melancholy within me. Who knows. 

Found this absolute gem recommended for me in my YouTube feed. I see them often, I don't usually click on them, but I'm so glad that I clicked on this. Absolutely beautiful, one of those songs that within the first few seconds it just blew me away and I knew. It's so simple, an instrumental with the same few notes playing over and over again on a loop, but shit, it gave me a lump in my throat. Never heard of them/him before, but they've nearly got 1 million subscribers on YouTube so it's probably just me being a boomer. I love discovering new music though, and I'm so grateful that I happened across this. It's called Call Me, I Still Love You by Two Feet.

A good friend messaged me earlier too, she has to isolate as she has come down with Covid symptoms. She said she had a high temperature and had lost her sense of taste and smell, but she didn't think too much of it because she was just getting over an ear infection. Of course, the ear, nose and throat are all connected and the anosmia could have come from that. But now she has come down with the hacking cough as well and has been told to isolate. I'm quite worried about her because it's the friend who had to shield with her husband from February because of her compromised immune system, the one who we were shopping for. I've warned her that if things get too bad, to phone 999 immediately and not take any chances.   

Early night tonight, I think. Might take my Kindle up to bed with me and see if I can find something fluffy and lightweight to read, some funny chick lit or something, see if I can lift my spirits up before I sleep. Slimming World in the morning, the scales haven't shifted, but we keep on keeping on. Might get an overnight miracle, or weigh in Mr G's mankini if the worst comes to the worst. 
