Cheeky Kebab...

 Last night's tea... 

Don't tell my Slimming World consultant... although, it was chicken, which is a lean meat and come on, there was plenty of speed foods on the naan bread, wasn't there? Look at all that salad? And the chilli sauce I slathered on afterwards, chillies are speed foods too... I'm reaching, ok? I'm reaching. I had a massive naan bread.  

We used our homegrown tomatoes with this too, they were so good! 

As daft as this sounds, they tasted like tomatoes. Don't mock me. You know how fruit and veg these days don't taste anything like? Tomatoes don't taste like tomato, and don't get me started on bananas. Well, these tasted like tomatoes. 

Mr G said that it was the best kebab he'd ever had; if he had a choice between that and his absolute favourite doner kebab on keema naan from his favourite kebab shop, it would be mine hands down every time. I could sit and smile smugly to myself. I could think 'oh, what a wonderful husband I have, to always praise me to the hilt, to appreciate me for all the effort I make for him'. I could think that... 

Or. I could think...

He's after something.

He now wants a greenhouse. Slightly more achievable than sourcing him a crocodile or a bone crushing vulture. Definitely more likely than another baby. I've warned him not to start going on about greenhouses. This is what he does, he sets his mind on something and then doesn't shut up until he gets it. Which is a good thing, I guess, in a way. It shows grit and determination. But the things he wants are never cheap, small, or practical (see also: summer house, drum kit). 

The girl has got into college (we think/she thinks/God aren't kids vague!), she had a telephone interview yesterday where she had to play the ukulele and sing. Not so clear cut when it's all being done via email and over the phone, but her tutor from last year's course has given her a good recommendation, and she has been told to come to an induction day so this year she will be moving from Performing Arts to Music.

Google photos has just given me a notification that 'This day last year' we were in Llangollen camping :-( So that means that had this shitshow not happened, we would be camping right now, or at the very least have been camping earlier this week depending on Mr G's shift pattern. We always like to go just before the children go back to school, one final fling before the winter. 

It's really funny what you take for granted, isn't it? We just assumed that this year would be the same. I've made breakfast for us both this morning and as I was cooking it, Mr G said 'We should be eating this sat outside our tent'. I told him that I was literally mid-blogging about this. 

Cheeseburger pasta bake, salad and cheesy garlic bread tonight for tea and roast pork dinner tomorrow. It'll soon be time to slip into the roast dinner every Sunday routine, although the way the weather has been recently... I'd say that time is already here. I'm not ashamed to say that the heating has been on three times already this week. And the fleecy bed socks are out.

Less than 17 weeks until Christmas :-)
