
It's Friday! Fri-yay! I don't know why I'm so excited, it could be a Tuesday, a Sunday, all days are the same, but still. I am. Excited, bouncy, hyper, high vibin' and long may it last. Just got a good feeling about something, what, I don't know. Just a good feeling. You know how when you know something is going to go Pete Tong, and you get that sinking feeling in your gut? Like that, but opposite. I've got butterflies. Trusting my intuition on this, something good is going to happen :-) 

Tonight's teeeeeeeea...
Chicken Madras. The curry (as most of my curries made with a base sauce/gravy are) was syn free. The rice is also a free food. The poppadoms were three and a half syns, the homemade bhajis a syn each, the raita was free as it uses fat free greek yogurt, and the mango chutney was two syns for 30g. I didn't bother with the mango chutney, I prefer to dip my poppadoms in my curry sauce. So, my plate was 5.5 syns and Mr G's was 9.5 syns. Sometimes it's worth it, and definitely less than a takeaway curry night would be.  

Mr G is back in work tonight, on his four shifts, that's going to be a shock to the system. He did a good deed today by taking our shielding friend to hospital for a scan when he should really have been in bed, catching some sleep. As it was, he slept on the sofa last night, he woke me getting up, I don't know what time it was. He's a kindhearted soul. 

I made us a small cooked breakfast this morning, for lunch he had a jacket potato, and I had the leftover Leek and Potato soup. Really warmed the cockles in this 22 degree heat. Eyeroll. As did the Madras curry. I really need to be better co-ordinating my meal plans with the weather, huh? Although, my phone has just informed me that temperatures have reached 36 degrees in certain parts of the UK today! No, no thank you. Not in the UK, not abroad, not anywhere in the world, not ever, not happening. I really hope I'm going to heaven because I could not cope with the temperature in hell. I would complain so much, I'd be sent packing in the other direction, because I am a moaner in the heat.
My father Whatsapped me earlier...
So, that shows the faith that he has in his racehorse. Guaranteed the win was a fluke, I'll spend forever betting on it now, and it will never, ever, ever win again. 

Had emails from two of my lovely Canadian friends today, really gave me an extra boost. It's so funny to be going through something collectively in such different parts of the world. Our experiences and concerns are all the same. I do love receiving an email, it reminds me of the good old days when I'd get letters from a penpal (or a boyfriend!). Much prefer that to messenger or speaking on the phone. I'm just an old fashioned (ish) girl at heart. 

I also found my long lost address book a few months back, with the details of friends I haven't spoken to in ages, and I might just surprise them with a letter or a card next week. I've had Christmas cards from them, but they haven't included their address so I haven't been able to send one back and I feel really ignorant for that. That said, I've put the address book in a safe place. Note to self, designate safe place, write a note as to where safe place is, no matter how logical it seems at the time, no matter how sure you are that you will remember (spoiler alert - you won't) and put note somewhere visible. 

I know I always joke (but it's not a joke, seriously) about how I'm not peopley. What I mean by that is that I don't have a huge social circle. Apart from a handful, my friendships are singular and never cross. There are a few who intertwine, there are three of us who have been friends for years. There are a few of us from school who meet up, or used to meet up a couple of times a year. Some of the friends who know me the best don't live anywhere near, some live abroad, some live hundreds of miles away, some I've never met or even spoken to other than on social media or email. But I've come to realise that I have a lot of very, very good friends around me, and I will take them all, all their friendships in their individual form, than one large circle of not so very close or trustworthy friends, any day. I am really blessed to have them. 

And so to bed. Hopefully Lionsgate tomorrow will see another happy day. Three degrees cooler here anyway, so that's a good start ;-) 
