

Not the Valentines Day post that I hoped to be writing. We had some devastating news today, a good friend of ours in Wrexham passed away. It came completely out of the blue and it has shook us, and all our rugby circle, to the core. She was the same age as me, and we had some real laughs on our nights out and at the rugby matches. A true diamond in a world of pebbles, and I only hope that she knew how much she was loved by everyone. We'd talked about her coming up here for a break when it was legal for her to travel again. Paint my town red for a change, instead of hers. Full of excitement for the new season. Always ready with a big hug whenever she saw us, and I just can't believe that she's gone. Utterly heartbroken. It was always a running joke that when I was absent, she would very kindly have a pint for me. So, when we get back to Queensway, I'll have a pint of Wrexham for you, Kath. Rest in peace, lovely lady.
