Saturday (I think...)

Had a nice relaxing Saturday. Sort of. Gave the bathroom a deep clean (rock n roll, guys, rock n roll...) and then had a lovely long hot bubble bath - there's nothing like a bath in a clean bathroom, is there? I hoped that it would ease the pain in my knee. It didn't. It's not even pain, it just won't move? Going up and down stairs is a chore, it won't bend properly. Mum seems to think that it's arthritis, so I've plastered myself in ibuprofen gel to see if that works. It's helped but still not right.

We had a fry up for lunch and an absolutely gorgeous tea, Madras spiced chicken thighs, and I made a salad and a homemade Jersey Royal potato salad to go with it.

Tomorrow we have Crispy Chilli Beef and egg noodles on the menu, looking forward to that muchly. Giving my bedroom a deep clean, not looking forward to that so much. I've never seen a room get so dusty so quickly. Mr G also wants to go for a walk, if my knee is up to it, might have to strap it up. Old age getting to me. Didn't have to put up with this nonsense when I was 43... See if Sunday is any more riveting than today was.
