One Down, Five to Go...
First of all, my thoughts today are with my Uncle Steven, who passed two years ago today. A stark reminder if ever needed that we're only here once, and to make the most of it, and those who we love. We're only promised this moment now.
Yesterday we went to Llandudno for the afternoon, on a whim. Had a walk around the shops, looked through the charity shops for ugly gifts, and Mr G found an optic for his shed pub! I found a lovely ugly gift for Helen, a cat plate, if you can call it that. Might be an ashtray. Or a loose change plate for her bedroom...
Came home to find a rather edgy 19 year old, with no internet. Reset the hub... Nothing. No landline. Mother phoned to say she was off, my cousin too. So, I picked up a book, Mr G watched rugby, and my children went into meltdown!
I'm bored!
I've got nothing to do!
My books are all boring!
We did ask them what they did before the internet but unfortunately, only Dan remembers pre-internet. And before internet, he played with wrestling figures. Because he was six... Midnight it was still off, and this morning I checked to find this...
Well done Sky for totalling most of North Wales's internet and landlines in one fell swoop! *slow hand clap*. Just please don't do it again this holiday? Honestly, it was like harking back to the age of AOL dial up...
Tomorrow, we're off to Wrexham to watch North Wales Crusaders take on Oldham! Do a bit of holiday shopping first. Funnily enough we were there the same time last year for my friend's wedding. Time flies. I'm thinking Nandos for lunch, if I can get a) Cait out of Primark and b) Adam to walk past Greggs in order to reach there. Really looking forward to that, even though it's apparently going to be raining heavily all day. You can tell it's going to be a bad day weather wise when the weatherman tells you that the best of the weather tomorrow is going to be the north of Scotland *facepalm*. Great.
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I know, I know... poetry also not my strong point...