It's Over...

The end of a beautiful relationship :-( Two short days was all we had together. I had an order ready in a basket on Lovehoney and everything, ready to checkout and what happens? By today, I'm ghosted. No message of lust in my comments section. I feel used. Probably passed over for the next blogger on the list. I hope they make you happier than I did. I hope that they don't have comment moderation on their blog, like I did. 

Anyway. Another bright and breezy day. We harvested our first ripe tomato from our plants, look at the size of this beaut!

That's going on a butty tomorrow. Fresh Henllan brown bread, thinly sliced tomato (because I'll have to share it with Mr G) and a sprinkle of sea salt on it. You can tell how good it's going to taste, just by looking at it, the size, the colour. I said to Mr G that next year, I want us to grow more tomatoes, and we'll get the seedlings going early. Maybe some cucumbers and spring onions too, the stuff we use a lot of and spend a lot of money on. We have four different varieties growing this year, but there are so many different types out there, I want to grow as many as I can. We eat and use so many, not only raw in salads, but also cooked in pasta sauces, in chillies and curries. 

Tea tonight was Pepsi Max Chicken with rice. 

Although technically it wasn't because there was chicken and steak in there, we used a pack of both in this and the Cock and Bull last night. My thinking was that it would taste more like a sizzler, and it was bang on the money. I can't remember what the hell we had down for tomorrow but I do know that I was meant to have cooked it today (haha - no), and we are having Lobscouse on Sunday, so I will have to cook that tomorrow in the slow cooker. I think it was spag bol tomorrow, or something equally uninspiring. 

I can't believe it was a whole week ago that we were picking up our daughter's cake from the baker. Where has a week gone? Mr G came into the kitchen earlier and said 'this time last week you were baking scones'. He said it quite wistfully too, not sure if there was a hint in there but no can do, mate. 

Mr G is back in work tonight, someone wants a tarot reading from me for the month of September so I will press on with that. I keep meaning to do monthly readings and put them up on a blog, but the issue is, I'm not confident enough to get in front of the camera to do them, because I'm shy. Stop bloody laughing, I am! So they would be in the form of a blog post, and with them being general, to a collective star sign, they're really not going to resonate with every single person of that star sign. I suppose the theory is, if you're meant to come across the message, you will, and it will apply to you, or you'll be able to take something from it, I guess? We'll see.  

Until tomorrow... 
