Good news! Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Blogger has shoved me, once again, onto their new interface. I'm going to give it a go. Even though I can change back to the Legacy interface until the end of August, I'll have to get used to it at some point. 

Woke up to dark grey gloomy skies, rain lashing against the window, that was me instantly in a good mood. Mr G then got up, went to the loo, came back to bed and said 'It's like a winter's day out there. And no, it's not lovely.' 

But it is ;-) 

The lamps are lit, the fire is on, the wind is howling. I am in such a good mood right now that it's unreal! The sun keeps putting in an appearance but meh. 

And... Slimming World IS back next Monday! Halle-freakin-lujah! Our consultant did a live this morning, she had been to the venue yesterday to do a walk round, a health and safety check etc, and there's no reason that the group can't start on Monday after all. I am so happy right now, I'm proper buzzing! I am so, so, so glad that I decided to start back on plan this week after all. She videocalled me straight after and we squealed at each other (in that way that only girls can do and only dogs can hear...) and did a little happy dance. 

Breakfast was fruit, lovely sweet strawberries, a Pink Lady apple (I had to sell a kidney to buy four, but oh - they're so worth it) and a banana. Lunch today was jacket potato with baked beans and corned beef. Tea was Asian Salmon in foil with a lovely big salad and new potatoes before Mr G took the boy to football training. His presentation was cancelled until Saturday afternoon. 

I am just in such a good mood? I feel uplifted, positive, happy, overjoyed. Check back in with me during this weekend's heatwave and see how chipper I am then. When I'm sat here, frowning and sweating like a glassblower's asscrack. Hehe. 

Look what I just saw out of my living room window. See? Told you I was joyful. Two for joy...

I think Mr G was scouring the tree to see if he could find a third or a fourth in there 😐 #nothappeningsunshine

Going to make us a bacon and egg bap now for supper. The salad was lovely but it was salad after all and it's gone to my heels by now. Here's hoping for another amazing, rainy, windy, cold, cloudy, gloomy and joyful day tomorrow. And a lottery win tonight. 8400 steps done, and it'll have to do for today :-) 
