
Today, I am oversharing a tale of woe over with the lovely, hilarious (but insanse - not that that's a bad thing though...) Steph at Whencrazymeetsexhaustion.com - and she's got a brand spanking new snazzy look on her website!  If you like to see me humiliated by my children and aren't grossed out by - well - feminine secretions - then this one is for you!

Sorry I've been AWOL - heavy duty house and garden work, pictures will show you why soon.  If I don't collapse in a heap and die before I get the chance!  Soonies!

M x


  1. Thank goodness your back I had nothing to read! Almost thought I was going to have to guest for you again and your poor readers don't need that! Stay lovely #gcat and write more! :p #pmog xx


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I know, I know... poetry also not my strong point...